Bialquín Pacheco's house, Vallecíto, New Mexico, May 1982

Bialquin sits in a yellow chair. On his right leg he holds the cross he carved for his mother’s grave. His left arm, bent at the elbow, rests on his lap, curled fingers lightly touching the edge of the wooden seat. He looks up, green cap tilted back, face half lit: a man of indeterminate age and ambiguous expression. He manages a smile without smiling. For half a minute he neither blinks nor breathes nor swallows. The brightly painted flowers and leaves he fashioned out of slats from a scavenged tomato crate form a .halo around the cross, surrounding his mother’s life.

A decade before, with her name barely dried on that cross – C A N D E L A R I A V. P A C H E C O – dug twice into the soft pine boards with a jackknife, the letters painted first black against white, then white against black – Bialquin decided to fashion a second cross for the graveyard. He wanted this one at the house for a recuerdo, to remember. He hung it next to his father’s cross, outside in the cracked adobe plaster over the front door, where he could greet his parents every day.

From the introduction to “Red White Blue and God Bless You,” 1992

  1. Las Trampas, New Mexico March 1984
  2. George and Oralia Romero's Front Porch, El Valle, New Mexico, August 1980
  3. Amadeo Sandoval's kitchen and bedroom, Río Lucío, New Mexico, June 1985
  4. Penasco, New Mexico, July 1981
  5. San Lorenzo Fiesta, Penasco, New Mexico, August 1985
  6. Ojo Sarco, New Mexico, July 4th, 1986
  7. Jacobo and Eloisa Romero, El Valle, New Mexico, March 1982
  8. Tomás Montoya's bedroom, El Valle, New Mexico, August 1985
  9. Bialquín Pacheco's house, Vallecíto, New Mexico, May 1982
  10. Hong Kong Lounge, Las Vegas, New Mexico, looking north from Richard Lucero's 1972 Buick Centurian, July 1987
  11. Camposanto, El Valle, New Mexico, August 1986
  12. Onésimo and Eleanor Pacheco's house, Vallecíto, New Mexico, May 1985
  13. The High Road looking west from Prisoner's Curve, February 1987
  14. Las Trampas, New Mexico, looking east from Leví Lovato's 1972 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, July 1987
  15. Las Vegas, New Mexico, Looking east from Myles Sweeney's 1960 Chevrolet Impala, July 1987
  16. Furr's parking lot, Saturday Night,  Espanola, New Mexico, looking south from J. R. Roybal's 1966 Chevrolet Caprice, Feburary 1987
  17. Las Vegas, New Mexico, January 1984
  18. Amadeo Sandoval's Living Room, Río Lucío, New Mexico, July 1984
  19. Amadeo Sandoval's living room, Río Lucío New Mexico, June 1985
  20. Amadeo Sandoval's Kitchen, Río Lucío, New Mexico, June 1985
  21. Black Mesa, New Mexico, looking east from Fred Cata's 1957 Chevrolet Belair, July 1987
  22. Sombrilllo, New Mexico, looking south from Ben Vigil's 1952 Chevrolet, August 1986
  23. Amadeo Sandoval’s Kitchen and Bedroom, Río Lucío, New Mexico, June 1985
  24. Teodoro Griego's house, Llano Largo, New Mexico, January 1982
  25. Celledonio Gallegos's house, Llano de San Juan, New Mexico, June 1985
  26. The Edge of the Great Plains, ten miles north of Las Vegas, New Mexico, July 1987
  27. Rodarte, New Mexico, looking south from Fred Martinez's Chevrolet, Impala, April 1987
  28. Truchas, New Mexico, August 1984
  29. St. Martin de Porres and the Virgin Mary, Rosenda Medina's house, Penasco, New Mexico, December 1986
  30. Llano Arriba, El Valle, New Mexico, November 1986
  31. Onésimo and Eleanor Pacheco's House, Vallecito, New Mexico, April 1987
  32. Genera Gurule's House, Penasco, New Mexico, August 1985
  33. Chamisal, New Mexico, looking east, November 1980
  34. El Valle, New Mexico, looking west from Pollyanna Leyba's 1972 Chevrolet, July 1987
  35. Llano San Juan, New Mexico, August 1981
  36. Chamisal, New Mexico, looking north from Juan Dominguez's 1957 Chevrolet Impala, July 1987